Page Last Updated: January 10 2021
Madder Family
8 species
Bluntleaf? Bedstraw
Order: Rubiales
Family: Rubiaceae (Madder  family)
Genus: Galium (Bedstraw)
Species: Obtusum?
Kingdom: Plantae
Class: Magnoliopsida
Perennial - native to Canada
Division: Magnoliophyta (Flowering plants)
Updated January 10 2021
More Bluntleaf Bedstraw
More Bluntleaf Bedstraw
Yellow Bedstraw
Order: Rubiales
Family: Rubiaceae (Madder  family)
Genus: Galium (Bedstraw)
Species: Verum
Kingdom: Plantae
Class: Magnoliopsida
Perennial - also known as Lady's Bedstraw, Yellow
Spring Bedstraw - native to Eurasia
Division: Magnoliophyta (Flowering plants)
Updated August 17 2011
More Yellow Bedstraw
More Yellow Bedstraw
False Cleavers?
Order: Rubiales
Family: Rubiaceae (Madder  family)
Genus: Galium (Bedstraw)
Species: Spurium?
Kingdom: Plantae
Class: Magnoliopsida
Annual - native to Europe, Asia and North Africa
Division: Magnoliophyta (Flowering plants)
Updated January 3 2021
More False Cleavers
More False Cleavers
Order: Rubiales
Family: Rubiaceae (Madder  family)
Genus: Galium (Bedstraw)
Species: Aparine
Kingdom: Plantae
Class: Magnoliopsida
Annual - also known as Catchweed Bedstraw, Stickywilly,
Goosegrass - native to Europe, Asia and North America
Division: Magnoliophyta (Flowering plants)
Updated September 17 2012
More Cleavers
More Cleavers
Marsh Bedstraw
Order: Rubiales
Family: Rubiaceae (Madder  family)
Genus: Galium (Bedstraw)
Species: Palustre
Kingdom: Plantae
Class: Magnoliopsida
Perennial - native to Canada
Division: Magnoliophyta (Flowering plants)
Updated January 10 2021
More Marsh Bedstraw
More Marsh Bedstraw
Bluntleaf? Bedstraw - flower approx. 3 mm - leaves to 2.5 cm - height to 45 cm - Leslie Spit - July 2010
Yellow Bedstraw with Cow Vetch - flower approx. 3 mm - leaves to 3 cm - height to 1 m - Leslie Spit - July 2010
False Cleavers? - flower approx. 4 mm - leaves to 2.5 cm - height to 70 cm - Lynde Shores Conservation Area (Whitby) - June 2010
Cleavers - flower approx. 3 mm - fruit approx. 3 mm - leaves to 8 cm - height to 1.2 m - Lower Don Valley (Crother's Woods) - September 2012
Order: Rubiales
Family: Rubiaceae (Madder  family)
Genus: Mitchella
Species: Repens
Kingdom: Plantae
Class: Magnoliopsida
Perennial - also known as Partridge Berry - native to
eastern North America
Division: Magnoliophyta (Flowering plants)
Updated November 24 2015
More Partridgeberry
More Partridgeberry
Partridgeberry - flower approx. 1 cm - fruit approx. 8 mm - leaves 1 to 2 cm - height to 10 cm - Uxbridge - July 2015
Smooth Wild Licorice
Order: Rubiales
Family: Rubiaceae (Madder  family)
Genus: Galium (Bedstraw)
Species: Circaezans
Kingdom: Plantae
Class: Magnoliopsida
Perennial - also known as Licorice Bedstraw - native to
eastern North America
Division: Magnoliophyta (Flowering plants)
Smooth Wild Licorice - flower approx. 3 mm - leaves to 8 cm - height to 60 cm - Silver Creek Conservation Area (Halton Hills) - May 2018
Hedge Bedstraw
Order: Rubiales
Family: Rubiaceae (Madder  family)
Genus: Galium (Bedstraw)
Species: Mollugo
Kingdom: Plantae
Class: Magnoliopsida
Perennial - also known as False Baby's Breath - native to
Europe, Asia and North Africa
Division: Magnoliophyta (Flowering plants)
Updated January 3 2021
More Hedge Bedstraw
More Hedge Bedstraw
Hedge Bedstraw - flower approx. 4 mm - fruit approx. 1 mm - leaves to 4 cm - height to 60 cm - Durham Regional Forest (Uxbridge) - June 2020
Marsh Bedstraw - flower approx. 3 mm - leaves to 2 cm - height to 50 cm - Caledon Lake Forest - June 2017