Page Last Updated: January 10 2021
Primrose Family
7 species
Scarlet Pimpernel
Order: Primulales
Family: Primulaceae (Primrose)
Genus: Anagallis (now Lysimachia?)
Species: Arvensis
Kingdom: Plantae
Class: Magnoliopsida
Annual - also known as Poorman's Weatherglass (flowers
close under cloudy skies) - roadsides and waste areas -
native to Eurasia
Division: Magnoliophyta (Flowering plants)
Updated September 19 2014
More Scarlet Pimpernel
More Scarlet Pimpernel
Fringed Loosestrife
Order: Primulales
Genus: Lysimachia
Species: Ciliata
Kingdom: Plantae
Class: Magnoliopsida
Perennial - L. ciliata 'Firecracker' is a cultivar - L.
quadrifolia (see below) and L. quadriflora are similar -
moist thickets and shores - native to North America
Division: Magnoliophyta (Flowering plants)
Updated August 25 2012
More Fringed Loosestrife
More Fringed Loosestrife
Fringed Loosestrife - Pistil (ovary, style and stigma) and 5 Stamens (filaments and anthers)
Place the mouse pointer over the image to see the
reproductive structure of the
hermaphroditic Fringed
Updated August 25 2012
More Fringed Loosestrife
More Fringed Loosestrife
Whorled Loosestrife
Order: Primulales
Genus: Lysimachia
Species: Quadrifolia
Kingdom: Plantae
Class: Magnoliopsida
Perennial - also known as Whorled Yellow or Four-leaved
Loosestrife - leaves usually in a whorl of 4 or 5 - woods,
thickets and shores - native to eastern North America
Division: Magnoliophyta (Flowering plants)
Updated June 28 2013
More Whorled Loosestrife
More Whorled Loosestrife
Family: Primulaceae (Primrose)
Family: Primulaceae (Primrose)
Order: Primulales
Genus: Lysimachia
Species: Nummularia
Kingdom: Plantae
Class: Magnoliopsida
Perennial - also known as Creeping Jenny - damp ground -
native to Europe
Division: Magnoliophyta (Flowering plants)
Updated December 7 2014
More Moneywort
More Moneywort
Family: Primulaceae (Primrose)
Scarlet Pimpernel - flower approx. 7 mm - leaves to 2 cm - height to 30 cm - Lower Don Valley (Crother's Woods) - June 2009
Fringed Loosestrife - flower to 2.5 cm - leaves to 14 cm - height to 1.3 m - Lower Don Valley (Crother's Woods) - July 2009
Whorled Loosestrife - flower approx. 1.5 cm - leaves to 10 cm - height to 1 m - High Park - June 2013
Moneywort - flower approx. 2 cm - leaves approx. 3 cm - height to 15 cm (creeping to 60 cm or more) - Humber Valley (King's Mill Park) - July 2014
Order: Primulales
Genus: Lysimachia (also Trientalis)
Species: Borealis
Kingdom: Plantae
Class: Magnoliopsida
Perennial - moist woods - native to North America
Division: Magnoliophyta (Flowering plants)
Updated June 5 2015
More Starflower
More Starflower
Family: Primulaceae (Primrose)
Starflower - flower approx. 1 cm - leaves to 10 cm - height to 12 cm - Rouge Park - May 2015
Yellow Loosestrife
Order: Primulales
Genus: Lysimachia
Species: Vulgaris
Kingdom: Plantae
Class: Magnoliopsida
Division: Magnoliophyta (Flowering plants)
Updated February 22 2016
More Yellow Loosestrife
More Yellow Loosestrife
Family: Primulaceae (Primrose)
Yellow Loosestrife - flower approx. 1.5 cm - leaves to 10 cm - height to 1.5 m - Toronto Islands - August 2013
Perennial - also known as Garden or Garden Yellow
Loosestrife - leaves are
opposite or in whorls of 3 or 4 -
most flowers in the similar Large Yellow Loosestrife (L.
punctata) are in the leaf
axils - escaped ornamental - native
to Eurasia
Tufted Loosestrife
Order: Primulales
Genus: Lysimachia
Species: Thyrsiflora
Kingdom: Plantae
Class: Magnoliopsida
Division: Magnoliophyta (Flowering plants)
Updated January 10 2021
More Tufted Loosestrife
More Tufted Loosestrife
Family: Primulaceae (Primrose)
Perennial - also known as Water Loosestrife - native to
North America
Tufted Loosestrife - flower approx. 8 mm - raceme to 4 cm - leaves to 15 cm - height to 70 cm - Caledon Lake Forest - June 2017